Dominos Pasta Primavera Recipe

Discover the ultimate Domino's Pasta Primavera recipe for your Fourth of July feast. Elevate your culinary skills and delight your guests with this delightful dish.

Dominos Pasta Primavera Recipe

What is Dominos Pasta Primavera?

When you think of Domino's, pizza often comes to mind.

But did you know that they also offer a delectable Pasta Primavera?

This creamy and savory pasta dish is perfect for Fourth of July celebrations.

It combines the richness of Italian cuisine with the colorful freshness of summer, making it an ideal addition to your holiday menu.


Pasta Primavera is an Italian-American creation that gained popularity in the 1970s.

It's a celebration of fresh, seasonal vegetables mixed with pasta and a creamy sauce, creating a harmonious and delicious blend of flavors.


Domino's Pasta Primavera is a delightful fusion of tender pasta and a creamy sauce with the vibrant crunch of mixed vegetables.

The creamy sauce adds a rich, savory note, while the veggies provide a fresh, slightly sweet crunch.

It's a burst of flavors in every bite, making it a crowd-pleaser.

Why Make This Recipe

  • Flavor Explosion: Pasta Primavera is a symphony of flavors, combining the creaminess of the sauce with the freshness of vegetables.
  • Celebrating the Season: It's the perfect dish for Fourth of July, highlighting the season's bountiful produce.
  • Versatile Dish: Customize it with your favorite veggies and protein for a personalized touch.
  • Feeds a Crowd: This recipe can easily be scaled up to feed a large gathering.
  • Impress Your Guests: It's a restaurant-quality dish that will wow your family and friends.

Recipe Essentials

  • Penne Pasta: Choose high-quality pasta for the best texture.
  • Mixed Vegetables: Opt for colorful veggies like bell peppers, broccoli, carrots, and peas.
  • Olive Oil: This adds a delightful depth of flavor to the dish.
  • Butter: Unsalted butter for sautéing and the creamy sauce.
  • Garlic: Fresh garlic cloves, minced for a savory punch.
  • Heavy Cream: Creates the luscious, creamy sauce.
  • Parmesan Cheese: Freshly grated for a rich, cheesy flavor.
  • Salt and Pepper: For seasoning and enhancing the taste.


  • Large Pot: For boiling pasta.
  • Sauté Pan: For sautéing vegetables and creating the sauce.
  • Cheese Grater: To grate fresh Parmesan.
  • Spatula: For tossing and stirring.
  • Strainer: To drain pasta.

Possible substitutes: If you don't have a cheese grater, pre-grated Parmesan is fine. And if you lack a sauté pan, a regular frying pan will do.


  • 8 oz (about 2 cups) penne pasta
  • 2 cups mixed vegetables (e.g., bell peppers, broccoli, carrots, and peas)
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • 2 tablespoons butter
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 cup heavy cream
  • 1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese


  1. Start by cooking the penne pasta according to the package instructions. During the last 3-4 minutes of cooking, add the mixed vegetables. Once done, drain and set aside.
  2. In a large pan, heat 2 tablespoons of olive oil over medium heat. Add the cooked pasta and vegetables, and sauté for a few minutes until they start to develop a slight crispiness. Season with salt and pepper.
  3. In a separate saucepan, melt 2 tablespoons of butter over medium heat. Add the minced garlic and sauté for a minute until fragrant.
  4. Pour in the heavy cream and bring it to a gentle simmer. Let it cook for about 5 minutes until it thickens slightly.
  5. Stir in the grated Parmesan cheese until the sauce becomes creamy and smooth. Season with salt and pepper to taste.
  6. Now, pour the creamy sauce over the sautéed pasta and vegetables. Toss everything together until well-coated.

Dominos Pasta Primavera

Cuisine: Italian-American

Category: Main Dish

Prep Time:

Cook Time:

Servings: 4

Calories: 420 calories

Rated: 4.9 of 5.0 from 247 reviews.

Recipe Tags: Dominos Pasta Primavera, Recipe, Dominos Pasta Primavera Recipe, Top rated, Fourth of July

Dominos Pasta Primavera Recipe

This is a video about Dominos Pasta Primavera.


Here's a basic nutrition breakdown for your Domino's Pasta Primavera:

  • Calories: 420
  • Fat: 29g
  • Saturated Fat: 15g
  • Cholesterol: 82mg
  • Sodium: 430mg
  • Carbohydrates: 31g
  • Fiber: 4g
  • Sugars: 3g
  • Protein: 10g

This dish provides a delightful balance of creamy richness and fresh vegetables, making it a wonderful addition to your Fourth of July menu.


  1. Cook Pasta Al Dente: Don't overcook the pasta; it should have a slight bite.
  2. Blanch the Vegetables: Quickly boil the veggies for a vibrant color and a crunch.
  3. Use Fresh Parmesan: Freshly grated Parmesan cheese offers superior flavor.
  4. Don't Rush the Sauce: Let the cream simmer gently to avoid curdling.
  5. Season Gradually: Taste as you go to avoid over-seasoning.
  6. Customize Veggies: Choose your favorite in-season vegetables.
  7. Serve Immediately: This dish is best enjoyed fresh and hot.


To serve, simply plate your Domino's Pasta Primavera, garnish with extra Parmesan cheese if desired, and serve immediately.

It's best enjoyed while the creamy sauce is still luscious, and the veggies retain their crispness.


  • Garlic Bread: The buttery, garlicky goodness complements the pasta's creaminess.
  • Green Salad: A crisp, fresh salad adds a contrasting texture and a pop of color to your meal.
  • Grilled Chicken: For protein lovers, grilled chicken pairs wonderfully with the pasta.
  • Wine: A nice Chardonnay or Sauvignon Blanc can enhance the flavors.
  • Fruit Dessert: A light fruit dessert like a berry parfait balances the richness of the dish.


For a Fourth of July celebration, consider serving your Pasta Primavera in patriotic red, white, and blue-themed dishes or platters.

A sprinkling of fresh herbs like basil or parsley adds a touch of green for a festive look.

You can also garnish with colorful edible flowers for a stunning presentation.

Ingredients Substitutes

  • Gluten-Free Pasta: Opt for gluten-free penne pasta for a celiac-friendly version.
  • Dairy-Free Options: Use non-dairy milk and cheese for a lactose-free alternative.
  • Vegan Recipe: Omit butter and use a plant-based alternative.
  • Different Vegetables: Mix and match vegetables according to your preference and what's in season.
  • Low-Fat Version: Use low-fat milk instead of heavy cream for a lighter sauce.


Incorporate this Domino's Pasta Primavera recipe into your Fourth of July celebration and watch your guests' faces light up with delight.

It's a delightful, restaurant-quality dish that you can easily make at home.

Experiment, customize, and enjoy the process of creating this culinary masterpiece.

Happy cooking!

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