Shringeri Rasam Recipe

Discover the authentic flavors of Shringeri Rasam with our step-by-step recipe. Elevate your culinary skills today!

Shringeri Rasam Recipe

What is Shringeri Rasam?

Shringeri Rasam, often hailed as the "Queen of Rasams," is a delightful South Indian soup that warms both the body and soul.

It's a harmonious blend of spices, herbs, and tamarind, creating a tantalizing medley of flavors.

The dish originates from the historic town of Shringeri in Karnataka, India, known for its divine temples and sumptuous cuisine.


Shringeri Rasam has a rich history dating back to ancient Indian traditions.

It's closely associated with the temple town of Shringeri, where it was first prepared as an offering to the deities.

Over the centuries, it evolved into a beloved household recipe, cherished for its unique flavors and therapeutic properties.


Shringeri Rasam is a burst of flavors with every spoonful. It's spicy, tangy, and aromatic, with a subtle hint of sweetness from the tamarind.

The spices, especially black pepper and cumin, give it a warming kick that's perfect for any occasion.

It's not just a dish; it's an experience that will leave your taste buds dancing with delight.

Why Make This Recipe

  1. Unparalleled Flavor: Shringeri Rasam's flavor profile is unlike any other, making it an excellent addition to your Fourth of July menu.
  2. Tradition and Culture: Embrace the cultural heritage of South India and explore its diverse cuisine.
  3. Health Benefits: The ingredients in Shringeri Rasam are known for their digestive and immunity-boosting properties.
  4. Versatility: It can be served as a soup or paired with rice, making it a versatile and satisfying dish.
  5. Aromatic Delight: The fragrant spices in Shringeri Rasam will fill your kitchen with a captivating aroma.

Recipe Essentials

  • Toor Dal: This split pigeon pea lends a creamy texture to the rasam.
  • Tamarind: For that tangy kick, tamarind pulp is a must.
  • Tomatoes: Fresh, ripe tomatoes add a subtle sweetness to balance the spices.
  • Rasam Powder: A blend of spices, typically including coriander, cumin, and black pepper, creates the rasam's signature flavor.
  • Turmeric: A pinch of turmeric enhances the color and imparts a mild earthy taste.
  • Curry Leaves: These aromatic leaves add depth to the rasam's flavor.
  • Mustard Seeds: Tempering with mustard seeds elevates the aroma and taste.
  • Asafoetida (Hing): Just a dash of this resin adds a unique, savory flavor.
  • Ghee: A dollop of ghee adds richness and depth to the rasam.
  • Salt: To taste, for balancing all the flavors.


  • Pressure Cooker: For cooking the toor dal.
    • Substitute: A regular pot can be used, but it may take longer to cook the dal.
  • Saucepan: For simmering the rasam.
  • Tamarind Soaker: To extract tamarind pulp.
  • Tadka Pan: For tempering.
    • Substitute: A regular frying pan will work.
  • Mixing Spoon: To stir the rasam.
  • Strainer: To strain the tamarind pulp and remove any seeds.
  • Blender: For making a smooth rasam paste.
    • Substitute: Use a mortar and pestle for a traditional touch.


  • 1/2 cup Toor Dal
  • Small lemon-sized ball of Tamarind
  • 2 ripe Tomatoes, finely chopped
  • 2 teaspoons Rasam Powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon Turmeric Powder
  • 8-10 Curry Leaves
  • 1/2 teaspoon Mustard Seeds
  • A pinch of Asafoetida (Hing)
  • 1 tablespoon Ghee
  • Salt to taste
  • Fresh Coriander Leaves for garnish


  1. Pressure cook the toor dal with enough water until it becomes soft and mushy. Set it aside.
  2. Soak the tamarind in warm water for about 15 minutes. Squeeze it to extract the pulp, strain, and keep it aside.
  3. In a blender, combine the chopped tomatoes, rasam powder, and a small amount of the cooked toor dal. Blend them into a smooth paste.
  4. In a saucepan, combine the tamarind pulp, turmeric powder, and curry leaves. Let it simmer until it froths, indicating it's ready.
  5. Stir in the remaining cooked toor dal and the rasam paste. Mix well and let it simmer for a few more minutes.
  6. In a separate tadka pan, heat ghee. Add mustard seeds, asafoetida, and curry leaves. When the mustard seeds splutter, pour this tempering into the rasam.
  7. Add salt to taste, and simmer the rasam for a couple more minutes.
  8. Garnish the Shringeri Rasam with fresh coriander leaves. Serve it hot as a soup or with steamed rice.

Shringeri Rasam

Cuisine: Indian

Category: Soup

Prep Time:

Cook Time:

Servings: 4

Calories: 150 calories

Rated: 4.9 of 5.0 from 247 reviews.

Recipe Tags: Shringeri Rasam, Recipe, Shringeri Rasam Recipe, Top rated, Fourth of July

Shringeri Rasam Recipe

This is a video about Shringeri Rasam.


  • Calories: 150
  • Protein: 6g
  • Carbohydrates: 25g
  • Fat: 4g
  • Fiber: 6g

The Shringeri Rasam is not only a flavorful addition to your Fourth of July celebration but also a healthy one. With a rich source of protein, fiber, and a moderate calorie count, it's the perfect dish to satisfy your taste buds while keeping your nutrition in check.

Enjoy your Independence Day with this delightful South Indian specialty!


  1. Tamarind Pulp Consistency: Adjust the amount of tamarind pulp to your taste. More pulp for tanginess, less for a milder flavor.
  2. Rasam Powder: You can either make your own rasam powder or use a high-quality store-bought version for convenience.
  3. Fresh Curry Leaves: Use fresh curry leaves for the best aroma and flavor.
  4. Simmer, Don't Boil: Never let the rasam come to a rolling boil; it should gently simmer to preserve the flavors.
  5. Tempering Technique: The mustard seeds and hing should be tempered until they sizzle and release their aroma.
  6. Ghee Tempering: Finish with ghee for an authentic touch and richer taste.
  7. Serve Hot: Serve your Shringeri Rasam hot; it's at its best when piping hot.


  1. Cook Toor Dal: Pressure cook the toor dal until it's soft and mushy. Set it aside.
  2. Tamarind Pulp: Soak tamarind in warm water and extract the pulp. Strain it to remove any seeds.
  3. Prepare Rasam Paste: Blend tomatoes, rasam powder, and a bit of cooked toor dal to make a smooth paste.
  4. Simmer Rasam: In a saucepan, mix the tamarind pulp, rasam paste, and turmeric. Let it simmer until it starts to froth.
  5. Add Cooked Toor Dal: Stir in the remaining cooked toor dal.
  6. Temper the Rasam: Heat ghee in a tadka pan, add mustard seeds, hing, and curry leaves. Pour this tempering into the rasam.
  7. Season with Salt: Add salt to taste and simmer for a couple of minutes.
  8. Serve Hot: Serve your Shringeri Rasam hot, either as a soup or with steamed rice.


  • Steamed Rice: The classic choice. Serve Shringeri Rasam with steamed rice for a wholesome meal.
  • Papad: Crispy papads make a perfect crunchy accompaniment, offering a delightful contrast.
  • Vegetable Stir-fry: Pair it with a colorful and healthy vegetable stir-fry for a balanced meal.
  • Appalam (Pappadum): Appalams are traditional Indian crisps that go exceptionally well with Shringeri Rasam.
  • Pickles: A dollop of tangy mango or lime pickle adds an extra layer of flavor to the meal.


When presenting your Shringeri Rasam, pay attention to aesthetics.

A neatly arranged meal is not only a feast for the palate but also for the eyes. In South Indian tradition, serving rasam in small, dainty bowls or cups is common.

Sprinkle some fresh coriander leaves on top for a vibrant touch.

Place the accompanying dishes in an organized manner, and ensure that your guests can comfortably reach everything.

This not only makes your Fourth of July meal appealing but also enhances the dining experience.

Ingredients Substitutes

  • Toor Dal: You can replace it with red lentils or masoor dal.
  • Tamarind: Lemon juice or even vinegar can provide tanginess.
  • Tomatoes: Tomato paste or canned tomatoes are good alternatives.
  • Rasam Powder: A mix of coriander, cumin, and red chili powder can mimic rasam powder.
  • Curry Leaves: Bay leaves or basil can impart a similar aroma.
  • Ghee: Clarified butter or even vegetable oil can replace ghee.
  • Asafoetida (Hing): Garlic or onion powder can add a savory touch.


As you embark on your culinary journey to prepare the delectable Shringeri Rasam for your Fourth of July celebration, remember that this dish not only tantalizes your taste buds but also brings the rich tradition and culture of South India to your table.

Its warm and aromatic flavors are sure to be a hit at your gathering, adding a unique touch to your Independence Day feast.

Embrace the versatility of Shringeri Rasam as you serve it as a comforting soup or pair it with steamed rice, accompanied by crunchy papads, vegetable stir-fry, appalams, or zesty pickles.

Remember, presentation matters too. Arrange your meal thoughtfully, and your guests will not only enjoy the flavors but also the visual appeal. Make it a memorable Fourth of July with the incredible taste of Shringeri Rasam.

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