Cooper's Hawk Betty's Potatoes Recipe

Elevate your Fourth of July feast with the irresistible Cooper's Hawk Betty's Potatoes recipe. A culinary delight awaits!

Cooper's Hawk Betty's Potatoes Recipe

What is Cooper's Hawk Betty's Potatoes?

Cooper's Hawk Betty's Potatoes is a savory sensation, featuring Yukon Gold potatoes sliced into thin rounds, seasoned with olive oil, garlic, and fresh rosemary. This delectable dish boasts a perfect balance of crispy edges and tender centers, creating a culinary masterpiece that's both comforting and sophisticated.

From the renowned Cooper's Hawk Winery & Restaurants, this recipe has become a signature side dish celebrated for its rich flavors and versatile appeal.

The unique combination of ingredients transforms simple potatoes into a dish that steals the spotlight at any Fourth of July gathering.


Cooper's Hawk Betty's Potatoes trace their origins to the inventive culinary team at Cooper's Hawk Winery & Restaurants. Born out of a commitment to crafting exceptional dishes, this recipe embodies the restaurant's dedication to quality ingredients and bold flavors.

As part of their diverse menu, Betty's Potatoes have become a cherished favorite among patrons, elevating the dining experience with each bite.


Imagine a symphony of flavors dancing on your palate – the crispy texture of perfectly baked potato rounds, the aromatic essence of rosemary, and the subtle richness of olive oil and garlic.

Cooper's Hawk Betty's Potatoes deliver a taste experience that is simultaneously comforting and sophisticated, making it an ideal accompaniment to Fourth of July festivities.

Why Make This Recipe

  1. Flavorful Elegance: Impress your guests with a dish that combines simplicity with sophisticated flavors.
  2. Versatility: Cooper's Hawk Betty's Potatoes complement a variety of main dishes, from grilled meats to vegetarian options.
  3. Easy Preparation: Achieve culinary excellence without spending hours in the kitchen – this recipe is both accessible and impressive.
  4. Crowd-pleaser: Perfect for gatherings, the dish appeals to diverse palates, ensuring everyone enjoys a delightful bite.
  5. Festive Appeal: Elevate your Fourth of July celebration with a side dish that adds a touch of gourmet flair to the table.

Recipe Essentials

  • Yukon Gold Potatoes: Choose four large potatoes, ensuring they are fresh and have a creamy texture when sliced.
  • Olive Oil: Use high-quality extra virgin olive oil for a rich and flavorful coating.
  • Garlic: Enhance the savory profile with minced garlic – fresh cloves provide the best aroma.
  • Rosemary: Opt for fresh rosemary, finely chopped to infuse the potatoes with a fragrant herbal note.
  • Salt and Pepper: Season generously to enhance the overall taste and balance the flavors.


  • Baking Sheet: For even cooking, use a sturdy baking sheet. Substitute with a casserole dish if needed.
  • Knife and Cutting Board: Essential for slicing potatoes. A mandoline can be a substitute for precision.
  • Mixing Bowl: Toss the ingredients together for an even coating. Any large bowl works well.
  • Oven: Bake the potatoes to golden perfection. A toaster oven can be a substitute for smaller batches.
  • Spatula: Flip the potatoes during baking for uniform crispiness. A fork can serve as an alternative.


  • 4 large Yukon Gold potatoes
  • 1/4 cup olive oil
  • 1 tablespoon minced garlic
  • 1 tablespoon chopped fresh rosemary
  • Salt and pepper to taste


  1. Set your oven to 375°F (190°C) to ensure the perfect crispiness.
  2. Keep the skin on 4 Yukon Gold potatoes, slicing them into thin, 1/8 to 1/4 inch rounds.
  3. Toss potato slices in a bowl with olive oil, minced garlic, rosemary, salt, and pepper until evenly coated.
  4. Lay out the seasoned slices on a baking sheet for even cooking.
  5. Pop the sheet in the oven for 30-40 minutes, flipping the potatoes halfway through. Achieve a golden-brown, crispy perfection.
  6. Once done, let them cool for a bit. Serve these Cooper's Hawk Betty's Potatoes as a stellar side dish.

Cooper's Hawk Betty's Potatoes

Cuisine: American

Category: Side dish

Prep Time:

Cook Time:

Servings: 4

Calories: 220 calories

Rated: 4.9 of 5.0 from 247 reviews.

Recipe Tags: Cooper's Hawk Betty's Potatoes, Recipe, Cooper's Hawk Betty's Potatoes Recipe, Top rated, Fourth of July

Cooper's Hawk Betty's Potatoes Recipe

This is a video about Cooper's Hawk Betty's Potatoes.


Per Serving:

  • Calories: 220
  • Fat: 10g
  • Carbohydrates: 30g
  • Fiber: 3g
  • Protein: 3g


  1. Perfect Potato Slices: Aim for uniform thickness to ensure even cooking. A mandoline can assist in achieving consistency.
  2. Quality Ingredients: Opt for fresh, high-quality ingredients, as they significantly impact the final taste of the dish.
  3. Preheat the Oven: Ensure the oven is fully preheated to 375°F for the ideal crispy texture.
  4. Mindful Seasoning: Adjust salt and pepper according to personal taste, but don't skimp on the rosemary for that distinctive flavor.
  5. Flipping Technique: Flip the potatoes halfway through baking for an even golden brown finish on both sides.
  6. Serve Fresh: Cooper's Hawk Betty's Potatoes are best served immediately after baking for maximum crispiness.
  7. Experiment with Pairings: Explore various main dishes to find the perfect pairing that suits your taste.


Once out of the oven, let the Cooper's Hawk Betty's Potatoes cool for a few minutes. Arrange them attractively on a serving platter, allowing the golden-brown edges to showcase their crispiness.

Garnish with additional fresh rosemary for a visual touch. Serve alongside your favorite main course or as a delightful standalone appetizer. This dish is best enjoyed hot, preserving its exceptional texture and flavor.


  1. Grilled Chicken Skewers: The savory potatoes complement the smoky flavors of grilled chicken, creating a well-rounded and satisfying meal.
  2. Vegetarian Stuffed Peppers: The robust flavors of Cooper's Hawk Betty's Potatoes provide a perfect contrast to the lighter taste of vegetarian stuffed peppers.
  3. Barbecue Ribs: The crispy texture of the potatoes pairs wonderfully with the tender, succulent meat of barbecue ribs, creating a dynamic flavor combination.
  4. Salmon Fillet: Enhance your seafood experience by serving Cooper's Hawk Betty's Potatoes with a perfectly cooked salmon fillet. The richness of the potatoes balances the delicate flavors of the fish.
  5. Caprese Salad: For a refreshing contrast, pair the potatoes with a classic Caprese salad. The tomatoes, mozzarella, and basil provide a delightful counterpoint to the savory potatoes.


Elevate the presentation of Cooper's Hawk Betty's Potatoes by arranging them in an artful manner on a stylish serving platter.

The golden-brown hues of the potatoes create a visually appealing contrast with fresh rosemary garnish.Consider serving them in individual portions or as a communal side dish, allowing guests to savor the enticing aroma as they dive into this culinary masterpiece.

Adding a sprinkle of extra rosemary on top not only enhances the visual appeal but also reinforces the herbal notes in the dish.

Pay attention to the overall table presentation, ensuring it complements the festive atmosphere of a Fourth of July celebration.

Ingredients Substitutes

  • Potato Varieties: While Yukon Gold is the preferred choice, you can experiment with other varieties like Russet or red potatoes for slightly different textures.
  • Herb Alternatives: If rosemary is unavailable, thyme or oregano can be used as flavorful substitutes, adding their unique touch to the dish.
  • Oil Variations: Explore different oils like avocado or grapeseed for distinct flavor profiles. Just ensure they can withstand the baking temperature.
  • Garlic Options: Fresh garlic provides the best flavor, but garlic powder or roasted garlic can be used as substitutes if fresh cloves are unavailable.
  • Seasoning Adjustments: Feel free to experiment with additional seasonings like paprika, onion powder, or cayenne pepper to customize the flavor according to your preferences.


In conclusion, Cooper's Hawk Betty's Potatoes offer a culinary journey that transcends the ordinary, making it a perfect addition to your Fourth of July celebration. Whether you're an experienced home chef or a kitchen novice, this recipe provides a delightful and achievable way to elevate your culinary skills.

Share the joy of exceptional flavors with your loved ones, creating lasting memories around the table.

Embrace the festive spirit and indulge in the irresistible charm of Cooper's Hawk Betty's Potatoes – your ticket to a culinary celebration like no other!

Start your culinary adventure today and make this Fourth of July a feast to remember. Cheers to good food and great company!

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