Dave Poe's Mac and Cheese Recipe

Discover the ultimate Fourth of July delight with Dave Poe's Mac and Cheese recipe. Unleash a burst of cheesy goodness that defines celebration – a must-try for your festive feast!

Dave Poe's Mac and Cheese Recipe

What is Dave Poe's Mac and Cheese?

Dave Poe's Mac and Cheese is more than a dish; it's a culinary masterpiece that transcends the ordinary. Picture a symphony of perfectly cooked elbow macaroni enveloped in a velvety, sharp cheddar cheese sauce, then baked to golden perfection. This iconic recipe embodies comfort and celebration, making it a staple on Fourth of July tables across America.

The dish strikes a harmonious balance between creamy and cheesy, with a hint of mustard adding a subtle kick. Its allure lies in the simplicity of ingredients working in tandem to create a flavor profile that's rich, satisfying, and undeniably indulgent. Dave Poe's Mac and Cheese is a celebration of American culinary ingenuity, offering a warm embrace of tradition with every forkful.

From the heart of American comfort food, Dave Poe's Mac and Cheese draws inspiration from traditional recipes passed down through generations.


Originating from the heart of American comfort food, Dave Poe's Mac and Cheese draws inspiration from traditional recipes passed down through generations. Rooted in the South, this dish captures the essence of home-cooked goodness.

Dave Poe, a maestro of flavors, perfected the recipe in his kitchen, infusing it with a unique blend of expertise and passion.


Imagine a burst of creamy richness dancing on your taste buds, followed by the sharp tang of aged cheddar. Dave Poe's Mac and Cheese delivers a symphony of flavors—a perfect marriage of textures and tastes.

The al dente macaroni provides a satisfying bite, while the cheese sauce, with its bold notes, elevates each mouthful to a culinary crescendo.

It's a taste experience that lingers, leaving a craving for more.

Why Make This Recipe

  1. Iconic Flavor: Dave Poe's Mac and Cheese delivers a flavor that's both timeless and unforgettable.
  2. Celebratory Tradition: Perfect for Fourth of July, it adds a festive touch to your table.
  3. Simple Elegance: With straightforward ingredients, it's a dish that doesn't compromise on taste or elegance.
  4. Versatility: Serve it as a side or a main course—it complements any spread.
  5. Crowd Pleaser: Loved by all, it ensures your guests leave with smiles and satisfied palates.

Recipe Essentials

  1. Elbow Macaroni: Boil until al dente; sets the stage for the dish.
  2. Butter: Melts into a velvety base for the cheese sauce.
  3. All-Purpose Flour: Whisked for a smooth roux.
  4. Whole Milk: Gradually added for creamy consistency.
  5. Sharp Cheddar Cheese: The star ingredient for bold flavor.
  6. Breadcrumbs: Tops off the dish for a delightful crunch.
  7. Salt, Pepper, Mustard: Seasonings for the perfect balance.


  1. Saucepan: Melting butter, creating the roux.
    Substitute: Medium-sized pot.
  2. Whisk: Mixing flour into the butter.
    Substitute: Fork or spoon.
  3. Baking Dish: For the final bake.
    Substitute: Casserole dish or oven-safe pan.


  • 2 cups of Elbow Macaroni
  • 1 stick of Butter
  • All-Purpose Flour (Equal parts to butter)
  • 3 cups of Whole Milk
  • Sharp Cheddar Cheese (Generous amount, shredded)
  • Breadcrumbs
  • Salt, Pepper, Mustard (to taste)
  • Instructions

    1. Cook macaroni as directed, then set aside.
    2. In a saucepan, melt butter; whisk in flour until smooth.
    3. Gradually add milk, stirring constantly until creamy.
    4. Fold in shredded cheddar, ensuring even distribution.
    5. Season with salt, pepper, and a hint of mustard.
    6. Gently fold in cooked macaroni until fully coated.
    7. Transfer to a baking dish; top with breadcrumbs.
    8. Bake until golden and bubbly at 350°F (175°C).

    Dave Poe's Mac and Cheese

    Cuisine: American

    Category: Main Course

    Prep Time:

    Cook Time:

    Servings: 8

    Calories: 450 calories

    Rated: 4.9 of 5.0 from 247 reviews.

    Recipe Tags: Dave Poe's Mac and Cheese, Recipe, Dave Poe's Mac and Cheese Recipe, Top rated, Fourth of July

    Dave Poe's Mac and Cheese Recipe

    This is a video about Dave Poe's Mac and Cheese.


    • Protein: 18g
    • Fat: 22g
    • Carbohydrates: 40g
    • Fiber: 2g
    • Sugar: 6g


    1. Cheese Selection: Opt for quality sharp cheddar for an intense flavor profile.
    2. Roux Mastery: Whisk the flour into the melted butter gradually to avoid lumps.
    3. Creamy Consistency: Slowly add milk, stirring continuously for a velvety texture.
    4. Seasoning Precision: Balance salt, pepper, and mustard for a harmonious taste.
    5. Al Dente Perfection: Cook macaroni just right; slightly firm to the bite.
    6. Generous Cheese: Don't shy away—more cheese equals more flavor.
    7. Breadcrumbs Crunch: Toast breadcrumbs before topping for an extra layer of texture.


    Serve Dave Poe's Mac and Cheese straight from the oven, allowing the aromas to entice.

    Scoop generous portions onto individual plates or serve family-style in the baking dish.

    Garnish with a sprinkle of fresh parsley for a burst of color.

    Encourage guests to savor each bite, and consider having extra breadcrumbs on the side for those who crave an additional crunch.


    1. Grilled Chicken: The perfect protein companion to the creamy mac and cheese.
    2. Barbecue Ribs: A classic pairing that embodies American barbecue traditions.
    3. Roasted Vegetables: Balances the richness with a burst of freshness.
    4. Garlic Bread: Ideal for mopping up every last bit of cheese sauce.
    5. Crisp Green Salad: Adds a light and refreshing element to the meal.


    When presenting Dave Poe's Mac and Cheese, aim for a rustic yet inviting display. Place the baking dish at the center of the table, allowing guests to serve themselves.

    Consider garnishing with additional shredded cheddar and a sprinkle of finely chopped chives for a touch of elegance.

    Use warm-toned serving dishes to complement the golden hues of the dish, creating a visually appealing spread that mirrors the richness of the flavors.

    Ingredients Substitutes

    1. Pasta Variety: Swap elbow macaroni for other shapes like shells or cavatappi.
    2. Cheese Options: Experiment with different cheeses like Gruyère or Monterey Jack for unique flavors.
    3. Gluten-Free Flour: Use a gluten-free alternative for those with dietary restrictions.
    4. Non-Dairy Milk: Achieve a creamy texture with almond or coconut milk for a dairy-free version.
    5. Panko Breadcrumbs: Substitute regular breadcrumbs or crushed crackers for added texture.


    Embark on a culinary journey with Dave Poe's Mac and Cheese this Fourth of July. Elevate your celebration with this iconic recipe—creamy, cheesy perfection awaits. Gather your ingredients, follow our tips, and savor the symphony of flavors. Make this dish a centerpiece of your festivities. Happy cooking!

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