Leeann Chin Bourbon Chicken Recipe

Craving a taste of culinary brilliance this Fourth of July? Dive into our exclusive Leeann Chin Bourbon Chicken recipe, a symphony of flavors that'll ignite your taste buds and elevate your festivities.

Leeann Chin Bourbon Chicken Recipe

Embark on a culinary adventure with our Leeann Chin Bourbon Chicken recipe, a symphony of flavors perfect for Fourth of July festivities. Unlock the secrets to crafting this delectable dish that will leave your taste buds craving for more.

What is Leeann Chin Bourbon Chicken?

Leeann Chin Bourbon Chicken is a tantalizing fusion of Asian and American flavors. Succulent chicken thighs are bathed in a rich marinade, featuring soy sauce, brown sugar, bourbon, garlic, and ginger. It is indeed, an harmonious blend of sweet, savory, and slightly smoky notes that dance on your palate, creating a dish that's both comforting and adventurous.

This iconic recipe, inspired by the renowned Leeann Chin, perfectly balances the umami of soy sauce with the warmth of bourbon, creating a dish that's not only delicious but also a testament to the art of culinary fusion.


The origins of Leeann Chin Bourbon Chicken can be traced back to the vibrant culinary scene of American-Chinese cuisine. The marriage of traditional Chinese flavors with the boldness of bourbon reflects the inventive spirit of American cooking.

Originally popularized in Chinese-American restaurants, this dish has become a staple, loved for its irresistible taste and cultural blend.


Imagine tender chicken pieces, infused with the deep richness of bourbon, complemented by the sweetness of brown sugar and the aromatic dance of garlic and ginger.

The result is a mouthwatering symphony of flavors—sweet, savory, and subtly smoky. Each bite is a journey through the fusion of Asian and American culinary influences, making it a unique and delightful experience.

Why Make This Recipe

  1. Irresistible Flavor: The perfect balance of sweet, savory, and smoky notes.
  2. Simple Ingredients: Easily accessible items with a touch of sophistication.
  3. Quick Preparation: Minimal prep time, perfect for busy occasions like Fourth of July.
  4. Versatility: Adaptable as a main dish or a flavorful addition to your feast.
  5. Crowd-Pleaser: A dish that appeals to diverse palates, ensuring everyone leaves satisfied.

Recipe Essentials

  • Chicken Thighs: 1.5 lbs, boneless, skinless Juicy and flavorful, chicken thighs are the perfect cut for absorbing the rich marinade.
  • Soy Sauce: 1/4 cup for that umami kick Adds depth and umami to the dish, a fundamental component in Asian cuisine.
  • Brown Sugar: 1/4 cup for sweetness Provides sweetness and caramelization, balancing the savory and smoky flavors.
  • Bourbon: 1/4 cup for a rich, smoky flavor Infuses a distinct smokiness, elevating the dish with a touch of sophistication.
  • Garlic: 2 cloves, minced, for aromatic depth Adds a robust aroma and flavor, a staple in many savory dishes.
  • Ginger: 1 tsp, grated, adding warmth Brings warmth and a subtle spice, enhancing the overall taste profile.
  • Red Pepper Flakes: 1/4 tsp (optional), for a hint of heat Offers a touch of spice, customizable to your preference.
  • Vegetable Oil: 2 tbsp for cooking Used for cooking the chicken, contributing to a golden sear and preventing sticking.
  • Water: 1/4 cup Used in the cornstarch slurry to achieve the desired sauce consistency.
  • Cornstarch: 1 tbsp for thickening Creates a velvety texture in the sauce, thickening it to perfection.
  • Green Onions: For garnish Adds a fresh, mild onion flavor and vibrant color as a finishing touch.


  • Skillet or Wok: To cook the chicken.
    Substitute: Large pan or frying pan.
  • Whisk: For creating the cornstarch slurry.
    Substitute: Fork or spoon for stirring.
  • Cutting Board and Knife: For preparing chicken, garlic, and ginger.
    Substitute: Any sharp knife and surface.
  • Bowl: For marinating the chicken.
    Substitute: Ziplock bag for marination.
  • Measuring Cups and Spoons: For accurate ingredient portions.
    Substitute: Use standard kitchen utensils for estimation.


  • 1.5 lbs boneless, skinless chicken thighs
  • 1/4 cup soy sauce
  • 1/4 cup brown sugar
  • 1/4 cup bourbon
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 tsp fresh ginger, grated
  • 1/4 tsp red pepper flakes (optional)
  • 2 tbsp vegetable oil
  • 1/4 cup water
  • 1 tbsp cornstarch
  • Green onions (for garnish)


  1. Combine soy sauce, brown sugar, bourbon, garlic, ginger, and red pepper flakes for the marinade.
  2. Marinate chicken for 30 mins; then, brown and cook it in vegetable oil.
  3. Whisk water and cornstarch for a thickening slurry; add to the skillet with remaining marinade.
  4. Stir until the sauce thickens; garnish with green onions.

Leeann Chin Bourbon Chicken

Cuisine: Asian-American

Category: Main Dish

Prep Time:

Cook Time:

Servings: 4

Calories: 300 calories

Rated: 4.9 of 5.0 from 247 reviews.

Recipe Tags: Leeann Chin Bourbon Chicken, Recipe, Leeann Chin Bourbon Chicken Recipe, Top rated, Fourth of July

Leeann Chin Bourbon Chicken Recipe

This is a video about Leeann Chin Bourbon Chicken.


Indulge guilt-free with our Leeann Chin Bourbon Chicken:

  • Protein: 25g
  • Carbohydrates: 15g
  • Fat: 12g
  • Fiber: 1g
  • Sodium: 800mg
  • Sugar: 8g


  1. Marination Magic: Allow the chicken to marinate for at least 30 minutes for maximum flavor absorption.
  2. Sear for Succulence: Achieve a golden brown sear on the chicken for added depth of flavor.
  3. Cornstarch Slurry Mastery: Whisk the cornstarch and water thoroughly to avoid lumps in the sauce.
  4. Green Onion Garnish: Don't skip the green onions—they add a fresh, vibrant finish to the dish.
  5. Adjust Spice Levels: Tailor the red pepper flakes to your spice preference or omit for a milder version.
  6. Quality Bourbon Matters: Choose a bourbon with flavors that complement the dish, enhancing the overall taste.
  7. Serve Immediately: Enjoy the Leeann Chin Bourbon Chicken hot off the stove for the best texture and flavor.


Serve the Leeann Chin Bourbon Chicken over a bed of fluffy white rice or noodles, allowing them to soak up the delicious sauce.

Garnish generously with chopped green onions to add a burst of freshness. For a complete meal, pair it with steamed vegetables or a crisp side salad.

The versatility of this dish makes it suitable for various serving styles—whether plated elegantly for a sit-down dinner or served casually for a buffet-style Fourth of July celebration.


  1. Steamed Jasmine Rice:
    Why It Works: The neutral flavor of jasmine rice complements the bold flavors of the chicken, allowing the sauce to shine.
  2. Egg Fried Rice:
    Why It Works: The nutty flavors of fried rice add an extra layer of texture and taste, enhancing the overall dining experience.
  3. Stir-Fried Vegetables:
    Why It Works: Crisp, colorful veggies provide a refreshing contrast, balancing the richness of the bourbon-infused chicken.
  4. Asian Slaw:
    Why It Works: The crunchy slaw with a tangy dressing serves as a refreshing palate cleanser between bites of the savory chicken.
  5. Chilled Cucumber Salad:
    Why It Works: Cool cucumber slices offer a refreshing contrast, especially in warmer weather, creating a well-rounded meal.


Present your Leeann Chin Bourbon Chicken with flair! Arrange the golden-brown chicken pieces artfully on a platter, drizzling the luscious sauce over the top. Sprinkle the dish with finely chopped green onions for a pop of color.

Consider placing the dish on a bed of vibrant, fresh herbs or lettuce leaves for an eye-catching presentation.

As for a family-style gathering, serve the chicken in a decorative serving bowl, allowing guests to help themselves. The visual appeal enhances the overall dining experience, making your Fourth of July celebration even more memorable.

Ingredients Substitutes

  • Chicken Thighs:
    Substitute: Chicken breast or tenders for a leaner option.
  • Soy Sauce:
    Substitute: Tamari or coconut aminos for a gluten-free alternative.
  • Brown Sugar:
    Substitute: Honey or maple syrup for a natural sweetener.
  • Bourbon:
    Substitute: Whiskey or apple juice for a non-alcoholic version.
  • Garlic:
    Substitute: Garlic powder for a convenient alternative.
  • Ginger:
    Substitute: Ground ginger for an easily accessible option.
  • Red Pepper Flakes:
    Substitute: Cayenne pepper or paprika for a milder heat.
  • Vegetable Oil:
    Substitute: Canola oil or peanut oil for a different flavor profile.


Celebrate Fourth of July with a burst of flavors that blend tradition and innovation. Gather your ingredients, follow our tips, and make this iconic dish your own. Elevate your culinary skills and delight your guests with a symphony of taste that'll leave them asking for more. Happy cooking, and may your Fourth of July be filled with delicious memories!

Ready to impress? Try our Leeann Chin Bourbon Chicken recipe today and elevate your Fourth of July feast!

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